Solutions in Sight: Justice Now

Here are stories about young people who looked around and saw a problem that needed a serious fix. They believed they could make a difference, and, in spite of lots of opposition, they actually went ahead and did it! These stories are about young people making a difference on issues around social justice.

Bridging the Gap, Lisa Chikarovski , A Teen Editorial Board member. - "Fighting racial prejudice in Australia.."

Project Reach Youth, Leba Rubinoff - "The young people have amazing skills and amazing dreams, but they don't always feel that what they want to do is possible."

CASC (California Association of Student Councils), Jenna Carli - "...because of the experiences I had, I got to open my eyes to the 'bigger' [global] picture at an earlier age."

About-Face , Kathy Bruin - "...the way women were shown in advertising...they got thinner and thinner!"

Transforming Communities, Poorva Pandey, Carly Davidson, Laurel Kellner and Carmel Adkisson - "It was a wakeup call to figure out that 1 in 3 teenage girls are abused!"

International Student Activism Alliance (ISAA), Ben Smilowitz - "If we don't speak up, lawmakers will speak for us!"

Todos, Hugh Vasquez - "...this fire was burning inside, that I had to do something about the world and the injustice that was around me."

The Special Olympics - an international organization that believes people with mental retardation benefit physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually through sports training and competition.

The Youth Commission, Alexander Jhin - "...government cannot do many things...grassroots is definitely the way to go."

Niño Art, Alexa Van Daam - "...the art has just crept in and won't go away. And I realize it's just a part of my life... It's what makes me happy. And I realize that I can't live without it."

Student Environmental Action Coalition, (S.E.A.C.), Chris Ford - "...if you keep on saying you don't have time for this eventually you're not going to have what you have."

Raza, Victor Gonzalez - " don't have to be in a gang to be cool."

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