Transcripts from #TheInSite
An Income of her own
The following transcript was recorded on
Wednesday, 1/14/98
with Joline Godfrey of An Income of Her Own
©1997-2025 Electric Eggplant
ReCCCess: *************************************
ReCCCess: Please welcome Joline Godfrey.
ReCCCess: Guest Commentator for the NPR's
ReCCCess: Marketplace, writer for Inc Magazine
ReCCCess: and founder of An Income of Her Own.
ReCCCess: *************************************
ReCCCess: Joline your experience in the business world is vast, what opening comments do you have?
Joline: Hello. I spend my time trying to help the next generation figure out. Consider ways to "make" a job, not just "take" a job. Tonight I'll be talking about what "economic empowerment" is. if you are, what does it give you? What do you get, besides money? Okay... I'll take questions?
ReCCCess: Can you share with us where the idea came from for An Income of Her Own came from?
Joline: An Income of her Own is an organization that encourages teen women to look at how they make an income, not just take an income. 90% of all women will be completely responsible for their own economic issues at some point in their lives.
Joline: At An Income of Her Own we help them prepare, so that creating an income of your own in seen as sexy, fun, and empowering! We try to help you figure out how to make a job, Not just take one!
ReCCCess: cool
Joline: I have a question for you folks- how do you make money now?
Joline: Anyone? Got any money in your pocket- how did it get there?
TypoTISt: I find jobs for people
angel020: I work at a market research company. doing phone work
Joline: Okay, Cool TypoTIS!
Joline: Angel-okay!
Joline: flowergirl- how do you get your money?
ReCCCess works for talk city and another company as a web designer
Joline: Cool, ReCCCess!
Joline: We've come a long way since girls understood that babysitting was the primary way that girls made money. And what we try to do at An Income of Her Own is to support women who want to combine their passion with economic independence!
ReCCCess: Cool! What kind of young women come to your organization?
Joline: All kinds, ReCCCess!
ReCCCess: can you give us some examples?
Joline: If 90% of all women have to be responsible for their own economic well-being then all women need the things we teach at Camp Start-Up and at An Income of Her
angel020: I would like to have my own day care because taking care of kids is what I really want to do with my life
TypoTISt: that's a great idea, angel
angel020: thanks :-)
KeaCCC: Tell us about Camp Start up Joline
Joline: Okay Angel- what have you done to start yourself toward that goal?
angel020: Well, I'm 20 now
angel020: and have had hard times in my life so money is tight right now, but
angel020: I have worked at a school
Starry-Nig: I am very independent. I never plan to depend on anyone for financial stability.
Joline: Yes, Starry!
Joline: Angel, in addition to working, you need to think about what it means to make your money grow, and to help your ideas grow. Have you ever tried creating a Business Plan?
angel020: Well I don't really know the first thing to do
Joline: A business plan is like a blueprint for a house. It's just how you plan to get from Point. A to Point. Z
Starry-Nig: Set your goals angel
Joline: Make money, save money, and make the money grow. It's also a blueprint for doing something you love with your life!
angel020: Yes
Joline: At Camp Start Up we ask people to start by working through a Business Plan, and that business Plan is a very simple outline anybody can do. If you want to take a look at the outline for a business plan go to
Joline: An Income of Her Own
Joline: and just follow the instructions.
Starry-Nig: Go to college and create a stable environment for yourself
angel020: I have so many medical bills it seems like I will never reach my goals.
angel020: OK I will do that :-)
Joline: Good luck, angel!
angel020: thanks :-)
ReCCCess: Kea what is your question?
KeaCCC: Joline: tell us about Camp Start Up
Joline: Kea, at Camp Start Up teen women meet cool business women like the founder Birkenstocks. Winemakers, screenwriters- we spend a lot of time with successful women who have created an Income of Their Own, and we give the girls a chance to figure out an income of THEIR own!
Joline: We're talking about MONEY- and economic empowerment
TypoTISt: angel, you might consider hooking up with a Head Start branch in your area?
angel020: What is that?
TypoTISt: That is for early childhood training
ReCCCess: Joline I have a quick question. I read on your site that not all young women leave starting their own business, but what kind of benefits do these girls get?
Joline: Typo, Angel- don't always just think of Non-profit organizations as a course for economic empowerment.
Joline: Angel, what would it mean to have your OWN school? Think bigger! Think so big it hurts!!! LOL!
TypoTISt: Joline, my point
TypoTISt: is that Head Start will frequently help with startup costs for a daycare if they can have some access to the facilities
angel020: Ummm I don't think I would like to do anything that big.
angel020: I just want something in my home.
Joline: If that's true it's certainly worth pursuing, and in addition one thing you might do is create a business plan for our Business Plan Competition for your own school. The winner gets money, a cool trip, and the chance to meet other successful businesswomen. One winner one year set up a summer soccer camps for little girls!
TypoTISt: good idea, and cheering
angel020: cool
ReCCCess: Actually head start is a good idea, cause you often can get free child care training and support. You generally can't get that with a for-profit group.
Joline: ReCCCess- not true! The Small Business Administration in your town CAN provide information and support for starting other educational ventures, like child care centers.
KeaCCC: Do you feel that the business world is more receptive to business women these days?
Joline: Yes, and there are today 7 million women business owners in the US one for every 2 teens who wants a mentor.
KeaCCC thinks that's encouraging
Joline: And organizations, like the National Association for Women Business owners and Working Woman Magazine understand that teen women are the "farm league" for Women in Business.
ReCCCess: I read on your site that not all young women leave starting their own business, but what kind of benefits do these girls get?
Joline: Okay, Recccess, they are financially literate. That means that if they walk into a bank, they will be respected
angel020: cool
Joline: It means they understand how to be responsible with money, and they learn the power of "leveraging" money. That means using a little bit of money to make BIG dreams happen. They may not put Camp Start Up lessons to work next month, but the information that they take away, they can use anytime in their life!
ReCCCess: Why is it important for young women to have an organization that is exclusively female? That part impressed me because I was involved in JrAchievement in HS.
Joline: Before I answer that Recccess, I have a question How do you create your own independence now!?
angel020: hummm
ReCCCess: I think you need to elaborate a bit
KeaCCC: Planning?
Joline: Recccess, I wasn't answering your question yet. It's a great one, but I asked my own. I asked: How do you create your own independence now!?
KeaCCC: Looking for opportunities in market place that match your interests and abilities?
ReCCCess: If me how am I independent? I have my own job/career, and there isn't anyone that I personally depend on.
KeaCCC: Independence now takes planning I would think Joline
Joline: ReCCCess- your question about why it's important to just have a place for "women only"
Joline: it's a little like Wellesley and Harvard. At an all-girls school you don't take up energy dealing with the energy of the guys in the room. You can focus on your OWN learning.
Joline: I think having a room of your own to learn in AND having space to work with the guys is the best combination.
LOLLY7: I have to depend on my husband because he won't let me work but I want to.
Joline: LOlly- I want to talk to you!
Joline: Lolly, when did your hubby get power over you?
LOLLY7: in the beginning of our relationship. There is more to it I guess
Joline: Lolly- can you take back control? It is important to remember that women generally live longer than men.
ReCCCess: Big laugh on them!!
angel020: Do you have kids lolly?
Joline: If you don't learn now to be independent and take care of yourself you will be very vulnerable later on.
TypoTISt: so true, Joline
Joline: Lolly, what are your dreams- what do you care about?
LOLLY7: I've tried. My problem is its not working out and I have nothing, and yes, I have a son
Joline: Lolly if the marriage is not working out, all the more reason for you to develop the tools for independence Women often stay in bad relationships because they're afraid that they have no economic power. Everybody has economic power.
KeaCCC says good point!
Joline: What have you ever done for money, Lolly?
LOLLY7: I have little skill- BRB
Joline: Okay, Lolly.
KeaCCC: What types of business have women started?
Joline: Great question, Kea! These days women start ALL kinds of businesses! I have friends who are winemakers, stock brokers, women who own manufacturing companies. A friend of mine owns Birkenstock.
LOLLY7: OK- I'm sorry- I had to check baby
Joline: LOLLY, is the baby okay?
LOLLY7: yes sleeping.
Joline: Great! Nikki, the LA Women's Foundation has initiated something called the Economic Empowerment Initiative. For more information, email me at jolineg@aolcom
Joline: Lolly- still there?
LOLLY7: like I said I have little skill, and I love my baby.
Joline: Forget the skill, what do you love? What do you care about?
LOLLY7: I really would love to get my R.N.
Joline: Lolly, super! R.N. are among the people who have MOST flexibility because they are in demand. And if you want to be a free-lancer instead of working for one hospital, you can set your own hours and often make more money.
LOLLY7: yes I would like to own my own home health care business
Joline: Lolly, cool! Big dream. I love it!
Joline: Lolly- email me at jolineg@aolcom , or visit our web site
Joline: An Income of Her Own
Joline: and I'll hook you up with women who are doing exactly what YOU want to do!
LOLLY7: But right now its hard, because I let a man rule my life
Joline: Lolly... so what are you going to do to take back control?
LOLLY7: Well- thats kind of funny you should ask
Joline: Life's too short to let other people stomp out your dreams. Women are out-living men. You have to be prepared. He's not going to be there to take care of you. You need start up monies
LOLLY7: ok so I told him things need to change or I want a separation
KeaCCC: How are young women met by the financial establishment when they need start up monies?
KeaCCC: Joline: rephrase- how do bankers react to young women?
Joline: Today, Kea, there are venture funds specifically for women- loan programs just for women. The Women's Division of the SBA is a great resource. They have a web site- go to SBA
Joline: Kea- How do bankers react to young women? They used to ignore them. These days, with 7 million business owners in the country, bankers KNOW we are too big a group to ignore,
Joline: AND- here in California there are a lot of women RUNNING banks, so women and girls get more respect than they used to.
KeaCCC Good point! women running banks :)
angel020: My Mom and I are from Sacramento, and my dad left my mom four years ago. Can this web site help her too? She is 47
Joline: Lolly call me at 1 (800) 350-2978 OR (805) 646-1215
Joline: Angel, absolutely we can help your mom! Tell her about it. You're an angel!
angel020: cool :-) she really needs the help. She is about to lose her house.
Joline: Angel, what are YOU doing to prepare YOURSELf so that you won't need help?
angel020: Well, I'm going to try and go to school next year
Joline: Oh- that can't keep you from losing from what YOU'RE doing for yourself. You're in Sacramento?
angel020: Yes, I'm in Sacramento.
Joline: Angel, you can apply for a scholarship to Camp Start Up. we have a program in Danville.
angel020: oh?
Joline: Get started on your own journey. You can't help you're mom, really, until you build your own skills. You can only worry about her.
Joline: Angel- to find out more about the program in Danville call 1 800-350-2978 and ask for an application, or visit our web site at An Income of Her Own
angel020: ok thanks so much. I will :-)
Joline: You're welcome- see yes' this summer, sweetie!
ReCCCess: Joline, one last question then we need to start wrapping up. With the current move to bring more females into the workplace, how can a young woman take what they learn with your programs and become even more successful in the workplace?
Joline: Recess, for ALL women- if you can hold your own in the language and the concepts of business you will be more successful in the workplace.
ReCCCess: Joline, what parting words can you give us?
CCCaravan: I am sorry I missed this! I do all the finances in my home
Joline: Economic power is as important as lipstick and mascara, and every woman has to learn how to put it on.
CCCaravan: Will you be back?
ReCCCess: Guess that means I need lipstick and mascara!
CCCaravan: You bet Joline!
Joline: CCCaravan, I'm talking with Annie Fox about setting up a series of guest spots on Money Talk, Wednesday at 5:30 PM PT
CCCaravan: I would love to be there!!!
KeaCCC thinks economic power essential for women!
CCCaravan: I am VERY interested
Joline: CCCaravan, you can email me at jolineg@aolcom
ReCCCess: Thank you Joline for coming today. We appreciate your sharing about An Income of Her Own. I know I learned a few things. We would love to have you back again.
Joline: Good!
KeaCCC: Joline: looking forward to having you in Money Talks!
Joline: Great! I had fun!
angel020: Thanks Joline :-)
Joline: good luck, angel!
ReCCCess: Thank you KeaCCC and TypoTISt.
Joline: Bye everyone!