Make it Write

Turning It Around - A True Story
by Anonymous, 16

I was born with "toastis," or a lazy eye. When I was 6, I under went an operation that would help me raise my eye with a string, like an artificial muscle. I lived a normal, happy life until I was 10. Then the real world grabbed me by the neck and wouldn't let go.

Children always picked on me calling me "one eyed Willie," "freak" or other names. My size didn't help either. I always was unusually short for my age. I began to hate my self. I didn't fight back. I believed them.

Then when I was 13, I saw the light. I fought back when somebody dared say something. I even got in fist fights. I decided that I was glad God made me this way. If He hadn't, I wouldn't know what I know now, things an average person wouldn't know.

At age 16, I'm popular, happy, and couldn't be better. Believe me when I say it gets better, because it does! But you must be there for yourself. I couldn't depend on anyone, because nobody I knew understood. Tragedy can bring us down, our job is not to let it.

If anyone wants to talk, I'm here at

January 1999


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