Make it Write

by Brent Iwanski, 16

The pecan tree stood magnificently outside the Reveds' back yard. Its huge trunk was covered in a shaggy bark, and its branches twisted and turned about one another, creating an ancient, unknown design. The tree was in full bloom. The leaves danced about in the wind, displaying their sparkling green colors. The tree has been around for as long as anyone in the area can remember. The nature about it mysteriously made not a soul cut it down.

A Mocking Bird perches restfully on a large branch, enjoying the cool shade of the leaves. He lets out a scintillating song of wonder hit the wind. The breeze carries this song all throughout the neighborhood, bringing smiles to people's faces. The bird then realizes that it is time to go and eat some breakfast. He timidly looks left and right. He swivels his head up and down, in search of any nearby predators. The avian then stretches out his wings, displaying a band of pure white, along the tips of his gray feathers. Letting out a shrill screech, the bird picks up his feet and catches a slight air current, flapping his wings fruitlessly, enjoying the sun against his back.

He swoops about the neighborhood, spying for some easy pickup. Perhaps a kid dropped his hotdog out of his bun, or maybe a woman accidentally spilled some potato chips. All of a sudden the Mocking Bird heard a striking scream above him. He turned up to see a Cooper's Hawk diving at the speed of a bullet, talons outstretched. The bird blurted a shrill cry as he evasively swerved to his left, flapping his tiny wings like crazy. The hawk missed his meal-on-the-go, diving straight past him, inches away. Yet, the hawk was not so easily disgruntled. She swooped up, and fell in a straight away pursuit of the tasty bird. The Mocking Bird turns his head backwards and sees the raptor gaining on him. He begins to lose hope fast, when he suddenly sees a house with a bird feeder! At this feeder their are other mocking birds! He lets out a dazzling chirp as he dives down to the feeder, screeching every alarm call he knew.

The other Mocking Birds glanced up and glared at the predator. They all took off, and formed a defensive position. The Cooper's Hawk knew she was in for quite an annoying fight, and decided that she better go off and find easier prey. She swiftly guided her left wing upward, and caught an up drafting wind current, hurling out a frustrated screech towards the prey below.

The Mocking Birds all began to mock the screech, twittering and chirping. The first Mocking Bird swooped off to his pecan tree, landing gently upon his favorite branch. He pecked at some of the leaves, drawing them protectively over him, concealing his petite body. His eyes closed and his head nodded, as he dazed off into a comfortable sleep. 

M A K E   I T

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