Make it Write

Living Positive
by James, 21

H is for the
hatred and blame
that I brought upon myself.

I is for the
ignorance, because I thought
it wouldn't happen to me.

V is for the vulgarity I felt
because of the dirty stereotypes
associated with it.

The feeling of isolation
scared and frightened me, because
I felt so separated from the rest of the world.

In disbelief and shock
with tears running down my face
and my blood racing through my veins
and my stomach in knots.

I asked myself why me!
I can't believe this is happening to me!
Why me!

With thoughts of suicide going through
my mind. I had to kill myself before this
thing called HIV does.

Wait! Stop! What the hell are you thinking!
Be strong. Don't fall apart now!
Gather your thoughts and feelings together
because there are people who love you.
You've worked too hard to
let this insidious disease defeat you.

With the love and understanding from
friends and family, I can finally say...

H is for the
harmony and peace within myself.

I is for the
insightfulness and knowledge
I have gained and will always cherish.

V is for the
victory and courage of
caring, respecting, and loving myself.

M A K E   I T

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