Make it Write

A Matter of Feelings and Time
by Keren Rozen, 15 

He just went by like a fly
You thought it's going to be so good, but then you realize that you misunderstood.
You will never know why, if this was the truth or all this thing was a big lie.
Time is fooling you, you wait and wait for any hope and then you feel blue.
Forgetting maybe will calm things down but it never lets the sadness disappear and drown.

You feel loneliness as much as you felt happy
But for the happiness there was an end, and it wasn't lovely.
Minutes become longer than hours
And every moment doesn't answer to your feelings.
You want to leave but the thoughts don't leave you,
Like you did a crime.
It's a matter of feelings and time.


M A K E   I T

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