Make it Write

Poetry & Prose

January 1999

What About Me?
by Katrina Brenner, 13

In 1989, boom, it was time. You came out, almost in the elevator... After the delivery you almost made history, one of the first baby boys to come out instantly. In a wheelchair Mom was pushed, and the doctor slapped your tush, to see if you were breathing, to see if you were breathing. You came home the next day, everyone said, "Yay, he is as cute as can be!!!!"

Hey, what about me?

In 1990, you were One, and hey, little brother, I'm glad it was done. You couldn't do anything, walk, eat, or talk, but Trina could jump, skip, run or play with chalk. I'm glad you came out when you did, I'm big, you're small. I'm the best four year old of all, but..."Oh look Dee, he's at it again, he's made another scientific discovery, oh look Dee..."

Hey, what about me?

In 1991, You were Two, oh God, the terrible two's. You screamed and pooped, regergitated and stooped to the low, low cabinets of Grandma's house, you played with pots and pans, and every other household device. You were a cranky pain, a little devil, the worst, but... "Oh, would you look at my boy, cute as can be," Dad would say as he bounced you on his knee.

Hey, what about me?

1n 1992, once again, there is you. You are Three, but you still can't do things too easily. If you pee'd, you missed. You went to go kiss the dog; that was a risk. But still everyone loved the baby boy. You made them laugh, you made them cry! Oye! If it were my say, I'd send you away. Why can't 6-year olds have something to say?

Hey, what about me?

In 1993, You are Four and pre-school has begun. Good-bye to sun, hello to snow. Instead of KC's Sunshine Band, we got Barry Manilow. Kate and Trisha they are just a peach, even though they played and played!!! Did they ever really teach??? Now you look back, they have a new slide. You know what I got? A push on a swing.

Hey, what about me?

In 1994, you were Five. You are very alert, you are very alive. You like to touch everything in the house, at least you are over the stage where everything goes in your mouth! We got Gina, The Wonder Dog. She smells worse than Willie and her frog. And now pre-school is at it again!

Hey, what about me?

In 1995, You're Six, Oh, Bradstreet gives you your fix. Numbers, colors, alphabet, can you spell? Y-o-u A-r-e A Pest!!! Mrs. Miller is such a doll, her voice, a little scragly, but that's all. You impress everyone by writing your name. So, how is it bad when I write on you?

Hey, what about me?

In 1996, you are Seven, but I'm still the oldest. At double didgit 11. You go off to first grade and your first day is Great. You learn stuff right away. Like how to sweep the carpet, and get candy, Oye-Vey!!! Your teacher, is she cool, around the room, does she prance. No wonder, she was named after a dance!!! And everyone loves her with glee.

Hey, what about me?

In 1997, Eight you have become. You're in second grade, out of the house, you have been, given the boot, to Mrs. Costello. Oh Boy. Ha! That's a hoot. Don't make me gag. I'm in seventh grade. I got the meanist teachers in the whole U.S.A. Except Mr. Perry, he's okay. But, hey, you have Costello, She's A-okay. Hey, hello, do you remember me? Your daughter, when do I get a say?

Hey what about me?


by Crishel Ehlers,
Nampa, Idaho

When boys meant "yuck"
And friends were new,
dreams were unshettered
and troubles few.

When recess was too short
and life too long,
decisions came easy
without the need to belong.

When storks delivered babies
and passions weren't
so strong,
friendships were unbroken,
right was right,
wrong was wrong.

When bad things
didn't happen,
when only skinned knees
brought tears,
and the night light
in its socket
quieted all our fears.

When farewell meant
just for summer
and real friends didn't part,
and fun went on forever
and never left a broken heart.

by Cher Uy, 18

When is forever?
Yesterday u told me u'll love me forever,
But then u broke my heart.
Is forever yesterday then?

What is forever?
Some say forever is tomorrows without end.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
Is forever the day after tomorrow then?

Is forever today?
If forever is today,
And today is yesterday's tomorrow,
And tomorrow will be tomorrow's today,

Then when is forever??

One more question:
How long is forever???



The Same Difference
by Cher Uy, 18

He taught me how to cry
You taught me how to laugh.

He taught me how to hate
You taught me how to love.

He taught me how to forget
You taught how to remember.

You were as different as night and day,
But I should've known better;
Coz just like he did u left me,
With nothing but anger.

All I Want Is You
by Ashleigh Sargee, 13

Natchitoches, LA

is there anything in the world

that can make you mine

i love your looks

i love your personlity

i Planely Love you

you are my sun

you are my moon

You're the one i think of only

Please be mine

Please Love me

Cuz i Love you

M A K E   I T

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