Make it Write

Poetry & Prose

March 1999

Silent Noise
Danny Sanchez, 19

Looking up into the sky
Hundreds of stars wondering which one you are,
The sounds of the ocean crashing hard on the rocks,
The breeze that gently passes through my soul.
I can feel you in my heart.
Waves come and waves go crashing hard into the rocks.
This silent noise is my only escape,
Walking for hours on that five mile stretch of sand remembering
The nights when you were there too,
Looking down at the footprints I leave
Remembering yours too.
I walk alone this beach at night
And think of all the days gone by.
I thought I heard you laughing but it was only silent noise.
Walking away ready to go,
Just have to look back one more time,
A breeze came so strong and so true,
Silent noise whispering I love you.
You past through my soul and I smelt your smell once more.

The Train Ride
Danny Sanchez, 19

I was deeply saddened when my mother died, so hurt and so confused, how could someone so young at only 51 be taken away from her family? I began to think of life as a train ride, a never-ending trip, going from place to place, meeting new people and seeing old friends too. Traveling onward but always coming back into the station again unboarding and catching the next train. Life is a never-ending journey. We go from place to place, but always return to our original space. My mother has boarded her train for her very last trip, a never-ending journey with many stops ahead to pick up others. Many old friends and some new. And on this train is everything she needs. She will see all there is to see. She won't be scared. She won't be afraid, and she knows in her heart this train will stop again and those she left behind will get aboard for the journey of life's end. So I won't say good-bye and I won't cry because Mom, I know we will meet again.

Danny Sanchez, 19

Can't believe it's that time of year again,
Almost a year since I lost you
My mother, my best friend.
We grew so close after being apart for so long.
I now need your help to carry on.
Explain to me how to get through these horrible days.
Show me the way to make everything ok.
Not for me but for the kids this coming Christmas day.
I don't have the Spirit
I lost it last year...
There's no more hope to get it back since you're not here.
I can't put the tree up or decorate it right
What do i say to the kids Christmas Eve night?
I asked Brittany what she wants for Christmas,
Her only reply was "Make mommy come back. Why did she die?"
Answers I don't have makes my soul bleed deep
Every single memory I have to fight to try and keep.
You are deep within my heart
You gave me my soul and all that I am is because you instilled them in me.
I don't know if this Christmas will pass and leave me a total wreck.
I'm going crazy trying to act normal as if everything's all right.
But I'm dreading this time we call Christmas Eve Night.

by Alex Hunt,

Possessed my tune,

Controlled my melody.

Manipulated my soul,

Tempted my love,

Denied my entry.

Mutilated my mind,

Fading out,

Blinking down.

Deadly Nightshade
by Alex Hunt,

Like a night's whisper,

And the soft, gentle call of the nightingale,

Is the touch of your hands,

Upon my minds temple.

Pleasure ridden,

And mouldy with joy,

Is my skin,

Once caressed,

Once blessed,

By your gentle, deadly nightshade.

M A K E   I T

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