Make it Write

Poetry & Prose

May 1999

Which Is Which
by Keshia, 13
Teen Editorial Board Member

What if everyone did what was right for them,
Instead of following the crowd?

Or is it better to keep your thoughts to yourself,

Rather than be thought of as different?

What if you were liked for being who you are?

Or is it better to be like everyone else?

What if there were no labels, such as "weird" or "cool"?

And who decides which is which?

What if no one stepped out and risked being different?

Would the Earth still be flat?

Were Einstein and Harriette Tubman "normal"?

Or is it the abnormal who do abnormally great things?

Was Hitler "normal" for extinguishing the different?

Or was Hitler cruel for wanting everyone the same?

What if we all became doctors?

Who would fix the plumbing?

Is one athletic brand right or wrong?

Or is it a matter of preference?

So is it "cool" to be "normal"?

Or "cool" to be "weird"?

And who decides which is which?

If I Love
Skye, 16

If I love you so much... why does my looking at you make my heart break? My whole being ache?

How can two souls, so enmeshed be so divided? One in sorrow, the other in happiness?

Does my pain affect you in any way, other than to drive you away?

Do you know how completely and totally I gave my love, my life and my trust to you?

Do you know how completely lost I am?

Is it because I am without you, or without myself?

The Old Rug
Skye, 16

I sit on an old rug...
In the middle of an empty room
outside the world is
screaming, yelling
pounding at the windows
fighting for a way in...

Inside my head
I sit
with my eyes down
the walls are caving
in on me
pretty soon it will be dark
and my eyes will be turning red

Yet still
I sit
on an old rug, in
an empty house, with
the rest of the world
looking in.

This Page ...
Skye, 16

This page will come out
of me...
A person I do not know
A person I'd rather not ...

Dressing myself for school, I put on my mask
I slip into the false exterior of grinding teeth smiles,
fierce eyes, accusing everyone in sight,
pointing fingers and raising

I become the angry one.

Back at home, dressing for bed,
I hang up my mask
Let the synthetic suit fall to the floor
Only to find, underneath the weakling with curven back
drooping eyes and dragging feet.

I become the silent one.

This page has come out of me...
A person I do not know
A person I'd rather not...

By Wendy

Roses love sunshine

Violets love dew

Angels in heaven know I love you

I hold it deep inside so one day you'll see

All the love I hold deep inside of me.

Living a Different Life
By Michael Shepard

A wave of sadness comes

Once the damage has been done.

"She can't walk anymore," he says,

Her friends thought, "She can't have any fun.."

Be with her during this hard trial,

Be her friend through and through.

You are there to make her smile,

To keep her from feeling 'blue'.

Remembering those happy times,

Of running through the yard..

That's what kept her going,

They're not the things that made life hard.

She lived off of laughter,

It filled her entire life.

But the pain inside was greater,

It became harder to survive.

She tried to get over the depression,

She tried to feel better again,

But somehow it didn't work this time,

It got her in the end.

"Life is not fair," they say,

But to everyone that knew her,

She deserved everything good in life,

And she got all of the other.

But as life goes on, you see,

That this is how it is for everyone,

Dealing with life can be difficult,

But keep your head up, son..

--A father to his son

By Bridge-Angel, 13

Where is the friendship that I once knew?

Does it live on or is it gone with you?

I expect to see you walking down the hall

Even though you've been gone for a year.

I still want to run to you when things aren't right

And I ask myself why it had to be you,

But find no answers.

You were so young, too young to die

As I remember that day so long ago when I lost you

I try to blink back my tears 'cause my pain is still so deep

As I look for you around school,

Knowing that I won't find you.

So instead I dream of when you were alive

Walking down the hallways smiling and laughing,

Waving to friends,

Just being you.

I never got to say good-bye

So I'm saying it now

As my eyes are blinded by tears

Wishing that you were still here.

Smile down at us

Watch over us as we get on with our lives

And spread your wings and fly

'Cause I know I will see you one day

But for now I must say good-bye, my friend.

M A K E   I T

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