Make it Write

Tori, 14

The screaming, yelling
hurting hurting hurting
You can't cover your ears,
You can't cover your heart,
It won't go in-one-ear-and-out-the-other.
It is deep.
It stains like a red wine.
It stabs your every vein.
Hurting hurting hurting.
Why are they so cruel?
Mean, evil, vicious words
Stabbing, piercing, punching,
Surrounding your head.
Hurting hurting hurting
The blood is scorching, bubbling, steaming.
Out come hot, wet tears.
Drip, drip, drip.
You feel nothing but numbness.
You are helpless, meaningless, lower than dirt.
Run, run, run
But you can't,
The pain is there, eating your insides,
Lowering your spirit.
      Hurting hurting hurting
Hurting, hurting, hurting.

M A K E   I T

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