Who was right?
In whose favor do you think the court decided -
Matthew Todd or the Rush County School System?
A | B | C | D | E |
Response # of votes % of vote A When at school, school rules are law. They should be able to drug test anyone, anytime. 1280 30% B Students do have rights at school, but extra-curricular activities are a privilege. Schools are allowed to make any rules they want about participation in after-school activities. 1293 30% C Maybe the school shouldn't be doing the testing, but if you aren't on drugs, what are you afraid of? 1255 29% D It's ok to test athletes, because they could possibly hurt others or cheat by using illegal drugs, but not test everyone doing any extra-curricular activity. 71 2% E Schools should not have a power that even police don't have. To search anyone without probable cause is unconstitutional, whether they be athletes, band members, or the guy that shows up right before 1st period and leaves right after the last bell. 189 4% Total: 4289 100%
The 7th Circuit court of Appeals said that the drug policy was constitutional. The court said that the policy was not very different than the Supreme Court case on testing of athletes. The court also said that schools had a right to set admission requirements for their extra curricular activities, and that these activities need healthy students to run well. Case closed? Yes! Case closed! (for now) Do you have random drug testing in your school? Want to change it? For information on "Random Drug Testing" and how you can make changes, e-mail the ISAA-ACLU (International Student Activism Alliance) at CCLUF@aol.com. See what others have to say, or post your own opinions on this topic!
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