Justice Now

J U S T I C E   N O W:
Want to make a difference in society?

Like the idea of more rights for everyone?

Check out these activists groups and become part of The Solution!




ACLU - The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.

Write them at:

125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004-2400

Call them at:

(212) 549-2500
Publications Ordering:
  1-800-775-ACLU (2258)

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:


Amnesty International - Every day refugees flee their countries in fear of prosecution and grave human rights violations. Amnesty International campaigns to ensure that those who flee are allowed to reach a place of safety, are given effective protection against forcible return, and are guaranteed minimum standards of human treatment while they are displaced.

Write them at:

Amnesty International
1118 22nd Street, NW
Washington DC 20037

Call them at:

(202) 775-5992

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:

admin@aiusa.org (U.S. address)

Food Not Bombs is a non-profit, all volunteer, non-exclusive, vegetarian, free food action organization which focuses primarily on free food distribution, education and empowerment of local communities. The web site list worldwide chapters as well as much more.

Write them at:

Food Not Bombs
3145 Geary Blvd. Suite 12
San Francisco, CA 94118

Call them at:

(415) 386-9209

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:



Guardian Angels - Trains volunteers to seek to deter crime through unarmed street patrols. Over 50 participating cities. Junior Angels ages 11-15.

Write them at:

Guardian Angels
Junior Guardian Angels
982 East 89th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236-3911

Call them at:

(718) 649-2607
(212) 967-0808
(718) 649-2607 fax

Visit their web site at:


Habitat for Humanity International - This group works to deal with problems of the homeless and people with disabilities.

Write them at:

Habitat for Humanity International
121 Habitat Street
Americus, GA 31709

Call them at:

(229) 924-6935, ext. 2551 or 2552
(229) 924-6541 fax

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:


The International Student Activism Alliance (ISAA-ACLU) is about students taking charge of their lives, using their power and making a difference. It is a highly effective national and international student network which works on a wide range of student issues. This allows for student input and representation when laws are being passed that affect them.

The ISAA-ACLU chooses the issues it fights for or against. The issues are not partisan, they are student, and include:

  • A fight for more federal college loans
  • A fight against early school start times
  • A fight for our guaranteed due process in schools
  • A fight against policies that only allow certain students to compete on school sports teams
  • Or a fight against child labor abuse in other countries

Write them at:

P.O. Box 1041
Lewisville, NC 27023

Call them at:

(336) 946-2377

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:


Oxfam America - This development and relief agency is working to put an end to poverty worldwide. Oxfam America works to fight hunger in partnership with poor people around the world by funding self-help development and disaster relief projects in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Caribbean.

Write them at:

Oxfam America
26 West Street
Boston, MA 02111-1206

Call them at:

(617) 482-1211
(617) 728-2594 fax

Visit their web site at:

http://www.oxfamamerica.org (America)
http://www.oxfam.org (International)

Email them at:


Project Read - This is the adult literacy project of the San Francisco Public Library. Young people often serve as volutneers. It serves the entire San Francisco Bay Area.

Write them at:

Project Read/Bay Area Adult Literacy
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Call them at:

(415) 557-4388
(415) 557-4375 fax

Visit their web site at:

Click here for Project Read

Email them at:


Note: Call any public library anywhere to find out about their literacy programs! They're always looking for volunteers who want to share their love of reading with others.


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