Relationships Unlimited

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Step Parents

Your parents have the right to a happy relationship with someone else.


You're Going on a Date?!

Sometime, down the road, after everyone has gotten a little more used to the divorce, one or both of your parents may get involved romantically with someone else. They might even consider living together or marriage. This new romantic relationship will greatly affect your life. It's also bound to create conflicts. The way you deal with these conflicts is very important and can improve your relationship with both of your parents! (For valuable conflict resolution tips check out the Conflict Resolution "ToolKit.")

It's Weird!

Sure it might be strange at first, seeing your Mom or Dad romantically involved with someone else, but they are entitled to a life after divorce.


Who's in Charge?

Let your mom or dad know that you think they should discipline you (when necessary). It's not your step parent's job. (This may be a relief for everyone and improve relationships, too.)

Need to Talk?

Many people find it helps to talk to someone outside the family about the difficulty and stress of their situation. Lots of family therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals specialize in the issues around divorce and family transitions. Sometimes the outside opinion and support they give can help you understand your unique situation and help you make choices that work best for you.


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