Justice Now

J U S T I C E   N O W:
Political Activism

We've all spent time dissing cops, school administrators, and politicians and "the system." But if you really want to see social change you've got to do a lot more than complain. You've got to get organized and involved in solutions! Every school or community has problems, lots of things that could work better than they do. Maybe you think your school needs a bigger parking lot. Or your community should have more child care options for working parents. Or that 16 year olds don't need a weekend curfew. Whatever the issue, let's assume you'd like to see things change. How does that happen? Only when people who feel the same way about something work together and make it happen! Take this group, for example... they are into political activism on a global level. Let's talk about a major social justice issue... world peace!

20/20 VISION

Lois Barber started a group called 20/20 Vision. Here's how it works, every month, they do research to find out the best 20 minute action that an individual can take, at home, to cut military spending and meet environmental and human needs. If you join their group (it costs $20 per year), they will send you an action recommendation on a postcard, with all the information you need to write a brief letter, or leave a phone message for a policy maker facing a critical decision. Then every six months they send you a report on the results of the actions you've taken. Some of the issues they work on include: strengthen safe drinking water laws, cut costly and environmentally harmful federal programs, protect endangered species, demand a worldwide ban on nuclear testing, etc. 20/20 VISION stands for "20 minutes a month, $20 a year, and a vision for a better world."


Write them at:

20/20 Vision
1828 Jefferson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Call them at:

(800) 669-1782 (info)
(202) 833-2020
(202) 833-5207 (fax)

Visit their web site at:


Email them at:


Sounds incredibly simple, doesn't it? And what a great role model for getting results!

What social issue would you like to deal with in your own community? Doesn't matter what it is... the same principles apply.

  1. Talk it up to friends - who else feels the way you do?
  2. Find out who has the power to make the decision - school principle, mayor, head of a corporation, congress person.
  3. Get the word out to the people in power that you want change!
    • Circulate petitions
    • Stage a protest (invite the local press)
    • Organize a letter, postcard, email, or phone campaign
    • Boycott a product, event, company
    • Lobby (work to convince lawmakers to vote for or against an issue)


Check Out Other Social Justice Organizations



Got a success story about how social activism created change?

We want to hear it!



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